histoire de l’art canadien vers 2012


31 October 2012

A Study Day, organized by the Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art, with the generous support of the participants, the Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.


Every session is a plenary session, with designated participants presenting and/or actively participating “at the table”.

9:00–9:30: Welcome and informal introductions

Martha Langford, Research Chair and Director, Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art; Department of Art History, Concordia University

9:30–11:00: I. Publication
At the table:

Moderator: Johanne Sloan, Department of Art History, Concordia University; Deputy-Director, Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art
Reporter: Pablo Rodriguez, doctoral student, Concordia University

Morning break: 11:00–11:15
11:15–12:45: II. Education
At the table:

Moderator: Martha Langford, Jarislowsky Institute; Concordia University
Reporter: Mark Clintberg, doctoral candidate, Concordia University

Lunch: 13:00–14:00 (in the Institute)
14:00–15:30: III. Research/Creation/Institution
At the table:

Moderator: Johanne Sloan, Jarislowsky Institute; Concordia University
Reporter: Sarah Watson, doctoral student, Concordia University

Afternoon break: 15:30–15:45
15:45–17:15: IV. Closing Plenary: A Room of One’s Own and/or Global Networks?

Moderator: Martha Langford, Jarislowsky Institute; Concordia University
Reporters: Mark Clintberg, Pablo Rodriguez, and Sarah Watson

17:15–19:00: “Talk amongst yourselves!”
19:00: Study Day Dinner